Information For Members

Myriad Exhibition Catalogue

Catalogue for Myriad exhibition.

May 23rd to June 21st 2018

At Heart Hotel and Gallery.

Opening night Wednesday May 23rd 6pm.


Wabi Sabi Entry Form

Download this form.

Open it in Word or Libre Writer.

Save it and email it as an attachment to


30th Exhibition artist profile template

Template for artist profile for 30th annual exhibition.

30th Exhibition example artist profile

An example of an artist profile for 30th annual exhibition.


30th Exhibition conditions of entry

Conditions of entry for 30th Annual exhibition.


30th Exhibition important dates

Important dates for 30th Annual exhibiton.

30th Exhibition entry form

Entry form for the 30th annual exhibition.



Sunday Social Meeting



21:02:54 25/2/2015
12:02:24 3/2/2015

Trash to Treasure Back Room Exhibition

Hi to All,


11:02:04 3/2/2015
16:01:43 11/1/2015