29th Annual Exhibition

The awards for the annual exhibition are:

Section 1 Theme Downunder

First Carol Bell Our Land

Highly Recommended Tony Ayling Freedom

Commended Peter Jennings Been Down Under


Section 2 Portraiture

First Peter Jennings Last Swaggie

HC Wal Hourn 60 Years Wedding Anniversary Painting

C Sandra Hardy Look at You

C Carol Bell Lulu


Section 3 Easel Painting

First Paul Johnson Black Cockatoo

HC Sandra Hardy Holidays

C Jodie Price Stressed: Overcoming



Section 4 Works on Paper

First Jennifer Beaumont Bismarck Palm

HC Wal Hourn Doug

C Jennifer Beaumont Rope



Section 5 Photography

First Tony Ayling Turbulence

HC Michelle Andrews Race

C Tony Ayling Whale of a tail

C Tony Ayling Which World?


Section 6 3D and ceramics

First Paul Johnson A Large Vase

HC Pat Hourn Changing Directions ii

C Rob Nicholls Knee Deep

C Paul Johnson Tea Set


Section 7 Textiles and Recycled

First Diana Johnson Landscape

HC Michelle Andrews Phantasmagoria

C Barbara Hill Katia

C Diana Johnson Wall Hanging


Section 8 Youth Emerging Artists

First Micala Wharton

HC Teggun Orth

C Ellie Harper

C Taylor Trewartha


Peoples Choice:

Wal Hourn: "60 Years Wedding Anniversy Painting" Portrait



Pink basket:  Emily Huang

Green basket: Sue Anderson

"Field - Flowers" by Josephine Hennel painting: Sunnee Gowdy

Whitsundays photograph: Paul Vickers

Country Pastel by Penelope Gilbert-Ng: Robina Mealley



Congratulations to all.


Sunday Social Meeting



21:02:54 25/2/2015
12:02:24 3/2/2015

Trash to Treasure Back Room Exhibition

Hi to All,


11:02:04 3/2/2015
16:01:43 11/1/2015